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WP Sweep – WordPress Plugin Review

WP Sweep – WordPress Plugin Review

Check out our YouTube Video Demonstrating WP Sweep

WP-Sweep allows you to clean up unused, orphaned and duplicated data in your WordPress powered website. It also optimizes your database tables. This plugin uses proper WordPress delete functions as much as possible instead of running direct delete MySQL queries. source:

WordPress makes it easy to create content on a consistent basis which is important for your readers and also important for your search engine optimization efforts. If you’ve created a lot of content then there is a chance that you might need to clean your database. Keeping a well optimized database will improve the overall performance of your website since your database queries will be faster.

WP Sweep cleans up:

  • Revisions
  • Auto drafts
  • Deleted comments
  • Unapproved comments
  • Spammed comments
  • Deleted comments
  • Orphaned post meta
  • Orphaned comment meta
  • Orphaned user meta
  • Orphaned term meta
  • Orphan term relationships
  • Unused terms
  • Duplicated post meta
  • Duplicated comment meta
  • Duplicated user meta
  • Duplicated term meta
  • Transient options
  • Optimizes database tables
  • oEmbed caches in post meta

Backup First Before you optimize your database you should make a backup of it just in case.

Here are the Steps you should take

  • Backup your database first.
  • Install and Activate the plugin via your admin dashboard or download it from here
  • Then in the left hand sidebar of your admin dashboard find the Tools link
  • Click the tools link or just hover over it and look for the new option titled Sweep
  • From there you can simply click the sweep button next to each table or you can scroll all the way down the page and click the button sweep all.
  • You’re all done

The Takewaway

WP Sweep is a well maintained plugin that is built using WordPress built in functions which gives it the upper hand since it removes orphaned data that other optimization plugins may not catch. I use this plugin  for all my clients websites and recommend it for all WordPress powered Websites.

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