Realtors have a tough time deciding where they should be investing the majority of their time when marketing to Buyers & Sellers. There are so many places for you to focus on that it’s easy to loose focus.
The problem arises when you find yourself doing the same old thing that every other realtor does. So the question really is, what can you do to separate yourself from the crowd?
The Power of YouTube
The benefit of using YouTube is that you will separate yourself from the vast majority of agents out there. Most agents will get a listing, enter it in the MLS and upload or syndicate to sites like Zillow, Trulia etc. The problem with this is you are just doing the same old thing everyone else is doing. How are you any different?
Obviously you should be blogging. Blogging is a great way to provide unique content and develop a following that will help you get more business. If you need some blogging ideas check out our previous article here for 50 Real Estate Blogging Ideas.
Now you should take it a step further and include video. You can do a virtual tour of your new listing or provide Video How to Guides. This will allow you to separate yourself from the pack.
Topic Ideas
- Testimonials from Past Clients ( This can be huge for you. )
- How to Buy a Home
- How to Sell a Home
- What is a Home Inspection
- What is an Appraisel
- Why should you use a Realtor
- How do I Market Listings
- Neighborhood Tours
- How to Winterize your home
- How to save money on cooling your home
- How to stage your home
- Market Conditions & Update
- etc
Right there you have a bunch of ideas for videos that you can start with and expand upon. The beauty of using YouTube is that you can easily share your video on various sites.
Places to share
- Your Website ( You have one right? )
- Google+
- Email List
- Contact other Bloggers to share on their sites
- Contact Local News Outlets
Now you have the topics for videos and the locations you can share them. Now what equipment do you need to produce YouTube Videos?
YouTube Equipment
- Your Smartphone or a DSLR Camera
- Selfie Stick and or Tripod
- Good Lighting is extremely important
- Lapel Microphone
- Basic Video Editing Software
All together you shouldn’t have to spend more than $200 on this equipment ( obviously not including your cellphone or camera, you should already have at least one of these).
Getting started with YouTube
This is the easy part. Head over to YouTube, sign in and start practicing. You will need a gmail account. You should try and get a custom URL. Notice my YouTube URL it has my custom name at the end. If you need some help with this part you can visit YouTube Help Center Visit Here.
The Takeaway
YouTube is the second largest search engine. Combine this with your own Real Estate Blog powered with IDX and you will see that you will over time start generating more leads which is the life blood of your business. The best part is YouTube is free to use.
Do you need a website? Contact us and we can help you out.
Need IDX? Signup for IDX Broker with us and save $99 on your setup fee. Sign Up Here
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