Apple just released their latest operating system for their iPhones and iPads. If you do a quick search on the net, you will find horror stories of failed updates. This is familiar territory since something similar happened with IOS 8.
In this article I will give you the best way to update your IOS Devices to ensure you don’t run into any glitches.
The first thing you should do is hardwire connect your iPhone or iPad to your Computer. Backup all your pictures, apps etc. Make sure to fully sync your device and you delete any unneeded data. Note: I suggest this because it’s always a good idea to clean your devices from junk.
Once you have everything cleaned, synced and backed up now you can go ahead and while still hardwired connected to your computer, update to the latest version of IOS 9.
The Takeaway
Following this method will prevent most of the issues people have faced with not enough storage space or downloading issues. While you might be able to successfully update wirelessly, you might end up like many who have suffered from various issues.
The key is backing up everything and syncing your device. This will insure no data loss and by connecting to your computer with a wired connection, you ensure an easy update.