What is FTP?
UPDATE: Use SFTP and Port 22 for Security Purposes.
The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard network protocol used to transfer computer files from one host to another host over a TCP-based network, such as the internet. FTP is built on a client-server architecture and uses separate control and data connections between the client and the server. Source – wikipedia.
The Gist – You use FTP to transfer files to and from your home computer to your server.
What’s My FTP Server info?
Your FTP server is on your hosting account. (cPanel)
- Sign into your hosting account
- Under files section look for FTP Accounts
- Create or use default FTP account from the new window. Click Configure FTP Client to get your credentials.
How do I setup FTP?
- Download FileZilla Click Here – FileZilla is a FTP client used and trusted by professional web designers. Then install.
- Connect to an FTP Server – Enter the Server Address into the host field (typically ftp.yoursiteaddress.com), Enter the Port of the server into the port field(typically 21 or 22, Enter username and password.
Now you have your FTP server client and FTP server created. Best use for this is
- Backing up your files from your server to your computer
- Developing a website locally on your computer and then uploading when finished
- Testing out or debugging a site locally before adding new features to your live website.