Is your website doing its job?
As a business owner you realize the importance of being found online. You are aware that people use the internet for virtually every major decision they make on a daily business. The question is, is your website doing its job?
What should your website do?
Your website should be more than an online business card. It needs to tell a story about your service or business. It needs to instill confidence in your visitors. It needs to produce results! So if you are not generating real leads and building relationships with your web visitors or worse, if your website is a ghost town, then it might be time to say Your Fired!
Here are just a few things your website should be doing.
- Provide valuable information to your visitors
- Navigation should be seamless and guide your visitors
- Should encourage your web visitors to contact you
- Should encourage your visitors to share your content
- Should be fast to load
- Should be fully responsive for all devices
- Needs to be search engine friendly
What if you had no Website?
If you’re website is not getting you the results you need then it’s as if you don’t even have one. Now the question you have to ask yourself is, In today’s market where people have all types of devices that connect to the internet, can you afford to not be found online.
Most business’s can’t afford to be left behind. So what can you do about it? The answer is simple. Take an hour and look at your website as if you were a potential customer landing on your site for the very first time. Visit every link and take notes on what you like and don’t like.
- Is the navigation effortless?
- Does the flow of the site make sense?
- What about pictures, do they flow with the website?
- Is your site online 24/7/365
- Does it make you want to fill out the contact form?
- Do you have a live chat feature?
- Does it make you want to stay on the website or does it make you want to run?
If you don’t want to be on your website long then why would your potential clients want to? After going through this sometimes painful process you will now want to look at your closest competitor. How do you stack up to them? Now if you’re a local business please don’t compare yourself to Fortune 500 Companies. Run a comparison of your 3 closest competitors.
Then if you decide that it might be time for a redesign then let’s chat.