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phpMyAdmin for WordPress Database Backup

phpMyAdmin for WordPress Database Backup

The WordPress Codex has a great guide on how to backup your WordPress database. Click Here. But in this post I will give you the basic steps.

  1. Sign into your hosting account.
  2. Navigate to the section named Databases
  3. Click on phpMyAdmin and a new window will open
  4. Click on the database you want to back up
  5. Click on the Export Tap in the upper center of the window
  6. Click Custom to display all options
  7. For the Tables click Select All
  8. Choose a File Compression like Zipped
  9. Make sure SQL is selected in the format section
  10. Format Specific Options Section click Structure and Data
  11. The SQL Section Check Structure Field, Add Drop Table / View / Procedure / Function, Add if not exists, Add Auto_increment and Enclose table and field names with backquotes
  12. The Data Section make sure the DATA box is checked
  13. Then hit GO

You will have a zip file downloaded to your hard drive. This will include all your tables in the database. Now setup a special location on your computer to store these backups.

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