Where are the Template Tags in the WordPress Core?
Template tags files are stored in the wp-includes directory. The files have the suffix of “-template.php” to distinguish them from other WordPress files. There are 9 template tags files:- wp-includes/general-template.php
- wp-includes/author-template.php
- wp-includes/bookmark-template.php
- wp-includes/category-template.php
- wp-includes/comment-template.php
- wp-includes/link-template.php
- wp-includes/post-template.php
- wp-includes/post-thumbnail-template.php
- wp-includes/nav-menu-template.php
Found in -> wp-includes/general-template.php
- get_header()
- get_footer()
- get_sidebar()
- get_template_part()
- get_search_form()
- wp_loginout()
- wp_logout_url()
- wp_login_url()
- wp_login_form()
- wp_lostpassword_url()
- wp_register()
- wp_meta()
- bloginfo()
- get_bloginfo()
- get_current_blog_id()
- wp_title()
- single_post_title()
- post_type_archive_title()
- single_cat_title()
- single_tag_title()
- single_term_title()
- single_month_title()
- get_archives_link()
- wp_get_archives()
- calendar_week_mod()
- get_calendar()
- delete_get_calendar_cache()
- allowed_tags()
- wp_enqueue_script()
Found in -> wp-includes/author-template.php
- the_author()
- get_the_author()
- the_author_link()
- get_the_author_link()
- the_author_meta()
- the_author_posts()
- the_author_posts_link()
- wp_dropdown_users()
- wp_list_authors()
- get_author_posts_url()
Found in -> wp-includes/bookmark-template.php and wp-includes/bookmark.php
- wp_list_bookmarks()
- get_bookmark()
- get_bookmark_field()
- get_bookmarks()
Found in -> wp-includes/category-template.php
- category_description()
- single_cat_title()
- the_category()
- the_category_rss()
- wp_dropdown_categories()
- wp_list_categories()
- single_tag_title()
- tag_description()
- the_tags()
- wp_generate_tag_cloud()
- wp_tag_cloud()
- term_description()
- single_term_title()
- get_the_term_list()
- the_terms()
- the_taxonomies()
Found in -> wp-includes/comment-template.php
- cancel_comment_reply_link()
- comment_author()
- comment_author_email()
- comment_author_email_link()
- comment_author_IP()
- comment_author_link()
- comment_author_rss()
- comment_author_url()
- comment_author_url_link()
- comment_class()
- comment_date()
- comment_excerpt()
- comment_form_title()
- comment_form()
- comment_ID()
- comment_id_fields()
- comment_reply_link()
- comment_text()
- comment_text_rss()
- comment_time()
- comment_type()
- comments_link()
- comments_number()
- comments_popup_link()
- get_avatar()
- next_comments_link()
- paginate_comments_links()
- permalink_comments_rss()
- previous_comments_link()
- wp_list_comments()
- the_permalink()
- user_trailingslashit()
- permalink_anchor()
- get_permalink()
- get_post_permalink()
- get_page_link()
- get_attachment_link()
- wp_shortlink_header()
- wp_shortlink_wp_head()
- edit_bookmark_link()
- edit_comment_link()
- edit_post_link()
- get_edit_post_link()
- get_delete_post_link()
- edit_tag_link()
- get_admin_url()
- get_home_url()
- get_site_url()
- home_url()
- site_url()
- get_search_link()
- get_search_query()
- the_feed_link()
- body_class()
- next_image_link()
- next_post_link()
- next_posts_link()
- post_class()
- post_password_required()
- posts_nav_link()
- previous_image_link()
- previous_post_link()
- previous_posts_link()
- single_post_title()
- the_category()
- the_category_rss()
- the_content()
- the_excerpt()
- the_excerpt_rss()
- the_ID()
- the_meta()
- the_tags()
- the_title()
- get_the_title()
- the_title_attribute()
- the_title_rss()
- wp_link_pages()
- get_attachment_link()
- wp_get_attachment_link()
- the_attachment_link()
- the_search_query()
- is_attachment()
- wp_attachment_is_image()
- wp_get_attachment_image()
- wp_get_attachment_image_src()
- wp_get_attachment_metadata()
- get_the_date()
- single_month_title()
- the_date()
- the_date_xml()
- the_modified_author()
- the_modified_date()
- the_modified_time()
- the_time()
- the_shortlink()
- wp_get_shortlink()
- has_post_thumbnail()
- get_post_thumbnail_id()
- the_post_thumbnail()
- get_the_post_thumbnail()
- wp_nav_menu()
- walk_nav_menu_tree()