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WordPress Template Tags

Template tags are used by themes to get content from the database. The type of content it can retrieve ranges from the header, footer, sidebar, blog title and more. Template tags are the preferred method to pull content into your theme.

Where are the Template Tags in the WordPress Core?

Template tags files are stored in the wp-includes directory. The files have the suffix of “-template.php” to distinguish them from other WordPress files. There are 9 template tags files:
  1. wp-includes/general-template.php
  2. wp-includes/author-template.php
  3. wp-includes/bookmark-template.php
  4. wp-includes/category-template.php
  5. wp-includes/comment-template.php
  6. wp-includes/link-template.php
  7. wp-includes/post-template.php
  8. wp-includes/post-thumbnail-template.php
  9. wp-includes/nav-menu-template.php


Found in -> wp-includes/general-template.php
  1. get_header()
  2. get_footer()
  3. get_sidebar()
  4. get_template_part()
  5. get_search_form()
  6. wp_loginout()
  7. wp_logout_url()
  8. wp_login_url()
  9. wp_login_form()
  10. wp_lostpassword_url()
  11. wp_register()
  12. wp_meta()
  13. bloginfo()
  14. get_bloginfo()
  15. get_current_blog_id()
  16. wp_title()
  17. single_post_title()
  18. post_type_archive_title()
  19. single_cat_title()
  20. single_tag_title()
  21. single_term_title()
  22. single_month_title()
  23. get_archives_link()
  24. wp_get_archives()
  25. calendar_week_mod()
  26. get_calendar()
  27. delete_get_calendar_cache()
  28. allowed_tags()
  29. wp_enqueue_script()

Found in -> wp-includes/author-template.php
  1. the_author()
  2. get_the_author()
  3. the_author_link()
  4. get_the_author_link()
  5. the_author_meta()
  6. the_author_posts()
  7. the_author_posts_link()
  8. wp_dropdown_users()
  9. wp_list_authors()
  10. get_author_posts_url()

Found in -> wp-includes/bookmark-template.php and wp-includes/bookmark.php
  1. wp_list_bookmarks()
  2. get_bookmark()
  3. get_bookmark_field()
  4. get_bookmarks()

Found in -> wp-includes/category-template.php
  1. category_description()
  2. single_cat_title()
  3. the_category()
  4. the_category_rss()
  5. wp_dropdown_categories()
  6. wp_list_categories()
  7. single_tag_title()
  8. tag_description()
  9. the_tags()
  10. wp_generate_tag_cloud()
  11. wp_tag_cloud()
  12. term_description()
  13. single_term_title()
  14. get_the_term_list()
  15. the_terms()
  16. the_taxonomies()

Found in -> wp-includes/comment-template.php
  1. cancel_comment_reply_link()
  2. comment_author()
  3. comment_author_email()
  4. comment_author_email_link()
  5. comment_author_IP()
  6. comment_author_link()
  7. comment_author_rss()
  8. comment_author_url()
  9. comment_author_url_link()
  10. comment_class()
  11. comment_date()
  12. comment_excerpt()
  13. comment_form_title()
  14. comment_form()
  15. comment_ID()
  16. comment_id_fields()
  17. comment_reply_link()
  18. comment_text()
  19. comment_text_rss()
  20. comment_time()
  21. comment_type()
  22. comments_link()
  23. comments_number()
  24. comments_popup_link()
  25. get_avatar()
  26. next_comments_link()
  27. paginate_comments_links()
  28. permalink_comments_rss()
  29. previous_comments_link()
  30. wp_list_comments()

  1. the_permalink()
  2. user_trailingslashit()
  3. permalink_anchor()
  4. get_permalink()
  5. get_post_permalink()
  6. get_page_link()
  7. get_attachment_link()
  8. wp_shortlink_header()
  9. wp_shortlink_wp_head()
  10. edit_bookmark_link()
  11. edit_comment_link()
  12. edit_post_link()
  13. get_edit_post_link()
  14. get_delete_post_link()
  15. edit_tag_link()
  16. get_admin_url()
  17. get_home_url()
  18. get_site_url()
  19. home_url()
  20. site_url()
  21. get_search_link()
  22. get_search_query()
  23. the_feed_link()

  1. body_class()
  2. next_image_link()
  3. next_post_link()
  4. next_posts_link()
  5. post_class()
  6. post_password_required()
  7. posts_nav_link()
  8. previous_image_link()
  9. previous_post_link()
  10. previous_posts_link()
  11. single_post_title()
  12. the_category()
  13. the_category_rss()
  14. the_content()
  15. the_excerpt()
  16. the_excerpt_rss()
  17. the_ID()
  18. the_meta()
  19. the_tags()
  20. the_title()
  21. get_the_title()
  22. the_title_attribute()
  23. the_title_rss()
  24. wp_link_pages()
  25. get_attachment_link()
  26. wp_get_attachment_link()
  27. the_attachment_link()
  28. the_search_query()
  29. is_attachment()
  30. wp_attachment_is_image()
  31. wp_get_attachment_image()
  32. wp_get_attachment_image_src()
  33. wp_get_attachment_metadata()
  34. get_the_date()
  35. single_month_title()
  36. the_date()
  37. the_date_xml()
  38. the_modified_author()
  39. the_modified_date()
  40. the_modified_time()
  41. the_time()
  42. the_shortlink()
  43. wp_get_shortlink()

  1. has_post_thumbnail()
  2. get_post_thumbnail_id()
  3. the_post_thumbnail()
  4. get_the_post_thumbnail()

  1. wp_nav_menu()
  2. walk_nav_menu_tree()
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