When developing a WordPress Theme, using the right ingredients are vital. WordPress along with the thousands of themes and plugins are all coded with:
- html
- css
- javascript
- php
There is also the MySQL database that’s used. This gives a lot of flexibility when it comes to creating custom websites with WordPress. But there’s also a need to ensure that the themes that are created are fully responsive and provides the functionality and style you want while at the same time not taking months or years to create.
Underscores & Bootstrap
That’s where Underscores and Bootstrap come into play. They are both considered the best in their class.
Underscores is a Starter Theme for WordPress Developers to use as a way to jumpstart their projects. It provides the fundamental code, files and folders needed to create a theme. It’s unstyled which gives the theme developer an opportunity to really make it their own.
Bootstrap is the most popular front end framework used to create website that look great on all devices. It is developed and maintained by a team that was associated with Twitter and the Bootstrap project was released as an open source project.
Combining the two makes perfect sense when you’re looking to create a great looking theme in a short amount of time. Some might say what about code bloat? Great question. Bootstrap makes it easy for you to customize your download so you can get the components that you need and reduce your overall file size which means improved performance. Underscores is a well structured starter theme that is small in file size.
DevWP WordPress Training Theme
As part of an ongoing series of videos on my YouTube Channel, DevWP is my effort to help people learn how to create their very own WordPress Themes using some of the best resources. So far I have a few videos already created and you can checkout the playlist for WordPress Theme Development
Checkout the video towards the top of this page and watch the playlist so you can learn how to build your very own WordPress Themes.
If you want to get the DevWP training theme, then head on over to DevWP WordPress Training Theme and get more information about it.
DevWP is going to be actively maintained and those who follow the video will see all the changes I make and those who decide to get the DevWP Theme will get access to all versions of the theme so they can see changes that were made.
Hopefully you find the video and DevWP to be helpful in your journey to becoming a WordPress Theme Developer.
Good luck on your journey.