When is the last time that you went to a networking event? If you’re in business, chances are you are taught early on that in order to succeed you need to meet as many people as possible. Besides just meeting people you need to make a connection and provide a way for the people you meet to contact you. Hence the value of the business card.
Primary Elements of a Business Card
Business cards have morphed into something that is extremely different than what used to be considered the norm. Back in the day you would see the basics being featured on the card.
- Business Name
- Your Name
- Your Title
- Address
- Telephone Number
- Fax
The design was fairly simple, clean and to the point. The focus of the card was clearly to have the person holding it, pick up the phone and call you.
How times have changed
If you look at a modern day business card, you will find the same elements mentioned above but with a few add ons.
- Your Social Media Links
- Your Website
- Maybe a QR Code
The focus of the Modern Day Business card has shifted from CALL ME to CONNECT WITH ME. This shift is primarily due to the fact the people are literally attached to technology. Who has time for a phone call now days?
Some Companies go the Minimalist Route and just display the Business Name and a Website URL along with an intriguing Tag Line that peaks the curiosity of the person to visit and learn more about who you are.
The 24 Hour Business Card
Question, How many networking events do you attend? Typically, how many people do you meet at these events? If you went to 2 events per week and successfully networked and connected with a handful of people that would be a lot. That is why networking has shifted from the physical world, to the world that’s literally at your finger tips, the digital world.
Does that mean you should give up on the modern day business card? No. Your business card is one conversion that’s needed during the conversion process. They say it takes at a minimum, 7 points of contact with a person to make a sale. That number has shifted.
- In Person
- Over the phone
- Direct Mail
- Text Message
- Social Media Interactions
- Rince and Repeat
So when you put that much effort into trying to touch base with a person, what do you think they do first? If you said Google you, you would be correct. What will they find out about you on Google? Hopefully they will find your Modern Day Business Card called your Website!
As a professional, you want to make sure the message you send to your potential clients is that indeed, you are a Pro in your field. It is imperative that you exude confidence, knowledge and understanding of whats needed to get the job done. If you have a website then you are on the right track. If you are looking to get a Website that converts, then you are in the right place.
Find out how we can get you started with a website that builds your business and your brand.