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How to add a Visual Editor into WordPress Widgets

How to add a Visual Editor into WordPress Widgets

Have you ever wanted to add content to your widget area of your WordPress Powered Website? You can always use the built in Text Widget and hard code some content in by using img tags, heading tags, paragraph tags etc. This can get tedious to say the least. Fortunately there is a WordPress Plugin for that and it’s free.

Black Studio TinyMCE Widget can be found on the WordPress Repository. The great thing about this plugin is it’s battle tested on over 800,000+ active WordPress Installations, is recently updated, actively maintained and has a near perfect rating.

Here is some information about the plugin taken directly from its official page in the WordPress Repository.

This plugin adds a new Visual Editor widget type that allows you to insert rich text and media objects in your sidebars with no hassle. The default WordPress text widget lacks of functionalities and it requires HTML knowledge, this plugin was born to overcome these limitations. With Black Studio TinyMCE Widget you will be able to edit your widgets in a WYSIWYG manner using the native WordPress TinyMCE editor, just like you do in posts and pages. And if you are a developer you may still switch back and forth from Visual to HTML mode.


  • Add rich text widgets to your sidebars and edit them using visual editor
  • Switch between Visual mode and HTML mode (including Quicktags toolbar)
  • Insert images/videos from WordPress Media Library
  • Insert links to existing WordPress pages/posts or external resources
  • Support for fullscreen editing mode
  • Support for widgets accessibility mode
  • Support for WordPress networks (multi-site)
  • Support for WPML (multi-language)
  • Live preview in theme customizer
  • Available in 20+ languages

YouTube Demonstration

I created a YouTube Video that demonstrates how to use it and a comparison between the default Text Widget and this powerful plugin. Hopefully you enjoy the video and find this plugin helpful in adding some cool features and properly formatted content into your WordPress Widgets.

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