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Center Your Online Voice

Center Your Online Voice

Who is this for?

This artcile is for everyone who wants to have their voice heard loud and clear. From Bloggers to Business’s. With WordPress as your platform, scaling is easy. What do you need to get started? Check out our essentials in the right sidebar. Basically you need a Domain Name and Hosting Account.

The Gist Create your Content Funnel

Your website / blog should be your focal point. Generate your content on your site and share the article with all your connections on social media. Also make sure you have a way to get their email address so you can embrace email marketing which is one of the best forms of communications. 

Evolving Web

It’s amazing how the Internet has evolved at such a rapid pace. Soon everything will be connected to the internet. Today you think only about laptops, desktops, smartphones & tablets. But now you can add to that list, watches, tv’s, refrigerators, cars and almost anything that you can stick a chip into.

With so many devices connected to the internet, being online has never been more important and has never been easier. I’m sure you’re on facebook, twitter, linkedin, google+ and maybe pinterest. Those are the main social sites people are on and you know there are thousands of other smaller networks popping up daily.

With all these devices and social sites to be on and found on, have you ever felt fragmented? While these devices and networks have been created with the purpose of increasing productivity and our connections, it actually seems we have been furthur disconnected. We are litterally lost online.

Old Workflow

internet frustrationYou’re bouncing around from network to network trying to get your message across and it seems overwhelming.

With all the different ways to connect online and the changes to these sites that take place faster than you can blink, my advice is, it’s time to focus!

Stop the fragmented workflow that just doesn’t work!

New Workflow

internet happinessBack to basics, create your unique content on your website and then share a link on your social networks with 2-3 sentences just to grab their attention. This way they end up visiting your website.

Obviously your website should have a blog directly attached to it under the same domain name.

Why is this important? Because you need one focal point for people to visit and gather all the information they might need.


Make sure your website has the features you need in order to allow your web visitors to connect.

  • Email Signup Form
  • Contact Form
  • Contact Info
  • Buttons to your Social Pages
  • Social Sharing Buttons so they can share your site with others
  • Audio, Video and more

Make sure your website is

  • Responsive – This is recommended by Google and helps since most of your visitors are connecting from every possible type of device.
  • SEO Optimized – You want to be found online right?
  • Easy to Control – You don want to actually own your website right?


This obviously means you need control of your website. You do have control right? I ask because nowdays it’s so easy to signup for a service that on the surface provides you with what you need but when you actually need to do something is when you find the shortcomings in your solution.

Most 100% free solutions don’t allow for scalabilty. So make the small investment and buy your own Domain Name ( $10 ), get your own hosting account ( $5 per month ) and make sure you’re running your site on WordPress which powers some of the biggest websites online along with everyday bloggers.

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